February 2024: Congrats to our grad student Sydney Phlegar for presenting a poster outlining her research on the perceptual and perseverative effects of awkward interactionsat at SPSP!
August 2023: Thank you to our amazing research assistants working with us this summer!
August 2023: Congratulations to our SRI students Allison Azuara Salas and Aissatou Diallo on their poster presentations for the Lida Orzeck '68 Poster Session at Barnard College!
January 2022: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Kyra Rodriguez, on accepting a full-time position as a Pre-doctoral Technical Associate at the MIT Sloan School of Management!
May 2021: Congratulations to our lab manager, Casey Stern, for receiving the Doris Aaronson Award for Outstanding Departmental Thesis Research! In her thesis, Casey examined whether status can impact how we perceive gender.
April 2021: Congratulations to our DURF grant recipients! Quincey Pyatt, Kyra Rodriguez, Casey Stern, Jenna Tracy, Maggie Ding, Angelique Simeone, Maureen Petica, Ashley Lopez, and Taylor Hvidsten will be presenting their work at the Undergraduate Research Conference at the end of the semester.
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Maggie Ding, for being named this year's Robert Selander Research Scholar!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Taylor Hvidsten, for being named this year's Varet Family Research Scholar!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Kyra Rodriguez, for accepting a summer research internship at Yale School of Management under Professor Melissa Ferguson!
April 2021: Congratulations to our lab manager, Casey Stern, on accepting a full-time position as a clinical research coordinator for Massachusetts General Hospital's eating disorders program!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, James Lo, for getting into UT Arlington to get an MS in I/O psychology!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Ashley Lopez, for being named this year's Joseph A. Rice Research Scholar!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Ashley Lopez, for getting into NYU's BA/MA program in I/O psychology!
April 2021: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Angelique Simeone, for getting into Columbia University's Master of Psychology in Education program! Angelique will be working in the Laboratory for Clinical and Developmental Studies, where her work will focus on suicide risk assessment for youth using principles from cognitive and social psychology.
October 2019: The West Interpersonal Perception Lab and Dr. Galang Lufityanto, associate professor in Cognitive Psychology at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. Fascinating research on collaborative cheating!
September 2019: The West Interpersonal Perception Lab welcomes two new graduate students this semester, Kareena del Rosario and Ashley Berkebile-Weinberg!
November 2018: Congratulations to our research assistants, Ellie Aronson, Allie Degen, Stephanie Hauck, Michaela Jenkins, Anna Nguyen, Sydnei Obando, and Caroline Zemsky, for being awarded Dean's Undergraduate Research Funds to conduct their research in the lab!
July 2018: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Chloe Chan, for being offered a job as Service Coordinator at the early intervention program called Hand in Hand Development, Inc.!
June 2018: Congratulations to one of our research assistants, Jenny DiMascio, for being offered a job as Program Associate in Cardiology at NYU Langone!
May 2018: Congratulations to all of our research assistants who obtained grants and conducted their own independent projects this year! Here are some pictures of Chloe Chan, Mina Mathur, Gaelin Bernstein, Jenny DiMascio, and Max Needle, presenting their research at the Undergraduate Research Conference at NYU!
May 2018: Oana Dumitru has been awarded the Hillary Ann Citrin Award for Best Departmental Honors Thesis! Here is a picture of Tessa, Oana, and Kate, at the ceremony. Congratulations!
April 2018: Lab manager Oana Dumitru has been named a University Honors Scholar, a distinction earned by placing in the top 40% of graduating baccalaureate students at New York University. Congrats, Oana!
April 2018: Congratulations to Stephanie Hauck, who has been accepted into the Research Plus Summer Program at NYU. This is a competitive program for students in all disciplines who wish to strengthen their understanding of research both within and beyond traditional settings. Congrats, Stephanie!
April 2018: Congratulations to Allie Degen, Stephanie Hauck, Max Needle, and Caroline Zemsky, for receiving Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF) grants to support their research in the lab!
April 2018: Congrats to lab manager Oana Dumitru, who got elected to membership in the national honor society of Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Chapter of New York (New York University)!
March 2018: The West Lab is happy to announce that Allie Degen and Dory Gurinsky will be taking over as lab managers starting in the summer of 2018! Congratulations, Allie and Dory!
March 2018: Past lab member Danusha Selva Kumar has been accepted into Fordham University' PhD program in Clinical Psychology and will begin in the fall of 2018! Congratulations, Danusha!
November 2017: Congratulations to lab members Chloe Chan, Sydney Cohen, Oana Dumitru, and Mina Mathur, for being awarded the Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund to support their work in the lab!
May 2017: Congrats to Siena Rumbough, an honors student in our lab, for her acceptance into the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for an Msc in Global Mental Health!
April 2017: So proud of our awesome research assistants, Chloe and Max, for representing the West Lab at the March for Science in NYC!
April 2017: Oana Dumitru was accepted into the Research Plus program at NYU for the summer of 2017. This is a competitive program for students in all disciplines who wish to strengthen their understanding of research both within and beyond traditional settings. Congratulations Oana!
April 2017: Congratulations to past lab members and honors students: Andrew Kelley, Peter Schmitt, and Emily Badin for their acceptance into graduate school!
In the fall of 2017 Andrew will be attending medical school at SUNY buffalo, Peter will be joining the Masters of Psychological Counseling Program at the Teachers College at Columbia University, and Emily will be pursuing a PsyD at the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Studies (GSAPP) at Rutger's University.
April 2017: Congratulations to Eliana Aaronson and Max Needle who received Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Awards to support their work in the lab!
March 2017: Dory Gurinsky receieved a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Award to support her work in the lab. Congratulations Dory!
January 2017: The West Lab is excited to welcome a new team of research assistants at NYU Abu Dhabi! We are looking forward to working with this fantastic group of students during J-term. For information about our NYUAD research team please click on the People tab.
November 2016: Congratulations to Chloe Chan, Emily Schwartz, Faariha Faheem, Gaelin Bernstein, Mina Mathur, Oana Dumitru, Robert Newman, Siena Rumbough, and Tarika Nalwa who received Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Awards to support their work in the lab!
May 2016: Congratulations to honors student and lab manager Odile Rodrik for receiving the Doris Aaronson Award for Outstanding Departmental Thesis Research! In her thesis, Odile examined appearance-based judgments in STEM fields.
May 2016: Siena Rumbough has been accepted to the honors program in psychology at NYU. Siena has also been awarded a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Award to support her thesis research. Congratulations, Siena!
April 2016: Faariha Faheem was accepted into the Research Plus program at NYU for the summer of 2016. This is a competitive program for students in all disciplines who wish to strengthen their understanding of research both within and beyond traditional settings. Faariha was also awarded a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Award to support her research. Congratulations, Faariha!
April 2016: Gaelin Bernstein and Maria Machline received Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Award to support their work in the lab. Congratulations, Maria and Gaelin!
February 2016: Congratulations to Emily Schwartz, who received a Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Award and for being named the 2016 J.S. Sinclair Research Scholar!
December 2015: Chadly Stern's research was featured in Quartz, "The More We Crave Certainty, The More We Prefer Stereotypes"
November 2015: Congratulations to research assistant Sinclaire O'Grady, Gaelin Bernstein, Jillian Biegel and honors students Chelsea Bona, Aya Cheaito, and Odile Rodrik for receiving Dean's Undergraduate Research Fund Awards to support their research! Odile was also named the 2015 Dr. Evan and Brooke Kaye Research Scholar, and Sinclaire was named the 2015 Joseph Gilbride Research Scholar.
July 2015: Chadly Stern's research was featured in Pacific Standard, "Here's How We Can Stop Exaggerating Our Political Differences"